If i follow the syntax listed, then attempt to place a unit in the resized region, the unit is placed why outside the boundaries of the region, sometimes on the other side of the map.
So given the picture below i went with:
Variable - Set Region = (Region(2x, 4x, 2y, 4y))
I went ahead and echo'd the x,y values to the game as objectives to make sure i have the points right and I do. The unit placement isn't following it though...using the following action:
Unit - Move (unit) instantly to Random Point in Region (No Blend)
i don't know what your image suppose to show but as you can see in terrain editor minx,miny are in bottom left corner, maxx, maxy are in top right corner. Follow that and it should work without issues
I'm having issues with the correct syntax for this function
If i follow the syntax listed, then attempt to place a unit in the resized region, the unit is placed why outside the boundaries of the region, sometimes on the other side of the map.
So given the picture below i went with:
Variable - Set Region = (Region(2x, 4x, 2y, 4y))
I went ahead and echo'd the x,y values to the game as objectives to make sure i have the points right and I do. The unit placement isn't following it though...using the following action:
Unit - Move (unit) instantly to Random Point in Region (No Blend)
there's no issue with the function.
i don't know what your image suppose to show but as you can see in terrain editor minx,miny are in bottom left corner, maxx, maxy are in top right corner. Follow that and it should work without issues
user error