(Sorry if any of these have already been mentioned.)
Attempting to edit the layers+/shape+ field does not display what the current values/settings for the pathing are and if you press OK after just opening and viewing values, but not changing anything, the shape field is reset.
Duplicating a premade footprint will not guarantee that the new footprint will behave exactly the same as the old one. When placing down a unit with the new footprint, the unit will not snap to the grid as the unit with the old footprint would. Pathing checks still seem to function with the new footprint, but pathing isn't updated in the editor.
Line of Sight Controls: It would be really nice to be able to make one-way LOS blockers, this way the designer could create bushes that units will be hidden in, but can still see out of. Additionally, a way to disable these LOS blockers dynamically would be nice as well. Using the same example, this would allow units attacking from the bushes to be revealed for a bit while they are attacking.
Value Referencing/Expressions in Category Fields: I would like to be able to assign an expression that includes arithmetic, algebra and trigonometric functions and the ability to reference numeric values from other sources. This way I could have a Damage effect have its amount field be equal to the current stack count of a particular behavior on the target/caster/etc. I would like to be able to do this without triggers, that way I don't have to modify the base effect object each time it executes.
Easy Access to Updating Data for Display and Reference Purposes: Like the previous suggestion, I would like a way, in the data editor, to reference the current stack count of a behavior on a unit, or the current amount of life a unit has, or the distance from the one unit to another...etc.
Tooltips: There need to be more tooltips explaining what a field is there for. Especially for flags, their needs to be a tooltip for each flag. It is safe to assume that none of the flags are self-explanatory. That's not entirely true, but most of the time even the flags that seem self-explanatory, aren't. I'm still bewildered by the differences in the target types: Outer, Source, Target, Unit Origin...etc.
1 QoL improvement: whenever you're editing search/target filters, a "use default" filters button. Really getting tired of manually excluding dead, hidden, invulnerable, missile, stasis again and again and again.
probably already posted but to add on what i feel are the biggest things to help;
arithmetic functions from within the data editor values (instead of static dmg values able to reference equations and variables)
a way to track the mouse without having to click
a built in wasd/arrow key movement system similar to wow for the sake of all rpg games (so we know the BEST and FASTEST FOR NETWORK way blizz could make it for us)
ability to manipulate the UI more (such as use their built in minimap, and ability buttons thus would change the cursor splat etc....)
more tilesets allowed per map (i dont get why they wouldnt be able to allow all tilesets from within the map)
ability to use the built in physics more (everything from simple 2d movement/racing physics to pinball type physics), i know if this were implemented people would want to change things that may not be 'customizable' after blizz implemented and would get scruitinized for it but it would be nice none the less
BASICALLY free up the editor to be a more stand alone game engine designer such as microsofts XNA GSE, or torque etc.... just really unleash the power of their user friendly game editing with a little more 'universal' type implementation and not so forced to the RTS framework. they made a GREAT engine that could handle a lot more than theyve already given us, but hey, theyve given us A LOT with this editor. maybe when wc4 comes out itll have everything we wish for here, and more....
There are no mousex/mousey functions due to the network architecture. The server can't know the mouse position of the client without asking for it and due to network latency the mouse position is likely very different by the time the trigger runs to when the client sees the response.
The basic issue is the lack of a "client-side" trigger which is not synced across the network. That would be a non-trivial addition to the engine though and would probably be massively complicated as there would be a very strict set of rules as to what could and couldn't be done in such triggers, and you'd need to marshal data (local vs. synced), etc. So it's not going to happen.
However, making it so the client sends the mouse cursor position when certain other events occur - like keypresses - is entirely possible and hopefully is added.
That is ridiculous. SC2 already collects mouse data for various things. Just take CameraForceMouseRelative as an example... this makes it so that the camera motion is inherently linked to mouse motion. The EXACT same thing could be done, except instead of moving the camera upon mouse motion, the game could fire some trigger and update some mouse position values. Blizzard is just being really lame by not including this...
So you know when you are duplicating very very long, boring, repetitive triggers over and over for each player. Like, for example, the WASD movement trigger.
YOu should be able to select all of those actions and choose an option called"convert". This will change all instances of X to Y. For exaple, you can say, replace all instances of "player 1" in this trigger with "player 2". And instantly your trigger is done. How awesome and helpful that would be.... Anybody agree?
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Feel free to Send me a PM if you have any questions/concerns!
That is ridiculous. SC2 already collects mouse data for various things. Just take CameraForceMouseRelative as an example... this makes it so that the camera motion is inherently linked to mouse motion. The EXACT same thing could be done, except instead of moving the camera upon mouse motion, the game could fire some trigger and update some mouse position values. Blizzard is just being really lame by not including this...
No I don't think you understood my point, the problem isn't that mouse position can't be collected, it's that input latency means the odds of the mouse cursor being in the place the variables say it is are extremely unlikely, so the cached information would not be very useful.
I've never made a WASD movement trigger, but I would assume that a loop would be a better solution. Unless of course you need to do something very different for each player (or whatever the instance is your changing). Generally anything repetitive can be done in some easier way (define a function, use a loop, etc.). But perhaps said movement triggers are different in this regard - that I don't know.
Movement is a pain in the butt. Mostly because it is set up by storing 4 variables PER player wich corespond to what buttons he is holding .So each movement trigger must be set up to use the variables corresponding to the player it is controlling.
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Feel free to Send me a PM if you have any questions/concerns!
That is ridiculous. SC2 already collects mouse data for various things. Just take CameraForceMouseRelative as an example... this makes it so that the camera motion is inherently linked to mouse motion. The EXACT same thing could be done, except instead of moving the camera upon mouse motion, the game could fire some trigger and update some mouse position values. Blizzard is just being really lame by not including this...
No I don't think you understood my point, the problem isn't that mouse position can't be collected, it's that input latency means the odds of the mouse cursor being in the place the variables say it is are extremely unlikely, so the cached information would not be very useful.
I don't think it would matter if it lagged. People can adjust to latency quite well, plus a short delay wouldn't hurt anyone that much.
We want that feature!
- Library's to copy terrain from one map to another
- Purge option (like autocad purge)
- Option to safe ones hero in one map and open it in another. And link maps to each other. Walk into a trigger loads other map (B). And this with other people still on map (A) playing. This would solve the 20mb problem.
- Make trigger on map A have realtime effect on map B
- Really like the diablo idea to people able to join a ongoing game.
- Show on battle.net what people with which level hero's are playing in the game you want to join.
The ability to add custom attributes (ie, like biological/light).
Hashtables or a GetHandleID equivalent.
GetLocalPlayer equivalent. Just because it has the potential to cause desyncs and such doesn't mean you should just remove it entirely.
More than 8 terrain textures
More than 3 cliff levels
On the fly terrain texture modification. Potentially cliff modification would be cool too, but that's not really necessary.
Allow for detection right clicking dialog buttons. Would help for creating a custom UI inventory.
Ability to change the cursor via code.
Greatly increasing the limit of banks.
XML based UI design. See the sc2layouts for what I mean. It would be much better than working with dialogs.
Ability to define your own pathing types.
Fixing the 2^21 limit.
Drop the limit on timers down to like 0.01 seconds or something.
Maps that are bigger than 256*256.
Lobby settings should be more intuitive.
Maps should be broken up into specific genres, which the creator could select, and thus when creating a custom game you could search by genre and such.
Text Editor: Allow us to set all the settings that are stored in styles manually. This includes vertical/horizontal align, size, font, shadow, etc.
Let us put multiple actions onto one actor event. Bit annoying.
Get over there and post! I think they are going to base their first editor articles on the questions they get in that thread (you know, the stuff they talk about on this page). Please don't let those very simple (and sometimes stupid: "where to download it?") questions win.
- make editor faster in all respects. i have 3ghz core 2 duo and its only an editor, not the game... lots and lots of stuff is slow as f... in the editor.
- make tooltips for every single thing. each tooltip will be read by many people, see it that way
- make tooltips more meaningful. some tooltips are great, others just repeat the text that the tooltip should explain.
- actor messages, events, actions, references, all those actor fields that return no result in google, it's just a mystery, even to the best mappers out there. lay out extensive documentation on the inner workings of actors. i swear if there was some sort of official book i could read in order to learn it i would. nothing in the data editor is as powerful as events can be, if you COULD understand them (i only understand the tutorial stuff or what is indeed selfexplanatory, and about 99% of people do not understand more either)
- delete deprecated stuff from the data editor
- append type of data type (e.g. "arm magazine" for ability or "buff" for effect) to every data type. when i look up the ability array of a unit, i cannot see at a glance what kind of ability they are. important for understanding how stuff works.
- allow more than 1 term and 1 action for 1 actor event, like in trigger editor
- allow copy and paste between events for different actors.
- allow comparision of events for different actors, side by side.
- generelly allow more flexibility for people to find out how stuff works
- fix bugs
Just my personal opinion after using the Editor for a little over a week.
1) Stability. I can leave the Editor on over night, nothing happening, and come back to an error report window. How does it crash while I'm doing absolutely nothing?
2) Better Data Menus. These are absolutely getting to me. The data is in such obscure places 99% of the time. The Naming is completely off on some things, or it makes sense once you KNOW why it's named that, but meanwhile if you're trying to do things on your own you're screwed. Other things are embedded in other menus and takes you hours to find for simple things (Like Interceptor Build Time. I took me 4 hours to find it, and only then because I asked on the forums about it).
3) Better loading. Opening a personally made Ability with 2 changed parameters should not, in any way shape or form, take 30+ seconds to load. This is absolutely inexcusable.
4) Large Trigger issues. When you have a larger trigger, the menu becomes more and more non-responsive the larger the trigger. I had a quite large trigger, and when I started to change it for the better, one click would take a 5+ second response, and actually doing anything took even longer. I know for a fact this is not my computer, because I can be running 30 thousand things at once and get a better response on just about anything, but the second I have a large trigger it bugs out beyond my ability to imagine why.
5) Missing...things. There are a lot of missing features, and I have no idea why. Some things, like especially Neural Parasite seems to not exist in the Editor at all (Except for the Ability itself, but it has no requirements while in game it does, and other things like this), but in game it does. This is absolutely infuriating when you want to edit any type of thing with this issue.
6) Buttons need to be moved around. I don't think something like "New Document" should be in every single menu. Then when I want to do something simple, like create a trigger or a variable, I click the "NEW" button and it turns out it's a freaking New Map, and now I have to spend a minute+ waiting for it to load everything it wants to before I can actually get back to what I'm doing. The stuff like New, Load, and some other things (Save should stay) should not be in every single menu. If you really want to Open another file, or make a New one, it's not that hard to press the freaking File button. Add to this the fact that all the Shortcuts that actually DO matter are on the far right, and if you have a lower resolution or have the window small, are completely missing. There's not even an arrow to access them. This is a foolish design.
7) Some type of reference is required. I want to find something simple like changing the Cost of a Research, and I've forgotten which of the 30 thousand objects I've created for this single research holds the Cost value. Now I need to check every single one, and if it's embedded in one of the values, double that, or even triple it searching every single thing finding it. Add this to the insane loading times for some of these objects (Like Upgrades, Abilities, and other things that take a long time to load) and it takes me an hour to change the Cost of a SINGLE Upgrade. Even a small help file like "Objects that have X are..." and X is something you can define and get a quick reference to what you need to check.
It seems to me that Blizzard has replaced user-friendly interfaces with obscure (but versatile) ones. This is a bad exchange. I'd rather have the old school editor with it's insane limits than this one, as it's simply too overwhelming and too confusing. It's easy to get lost for hours looking for something simple because it's not organized as far as I can tell.
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(Sorry if any of these have already been mentioned.)
I think that's good for now.
Capability to create folders in point & region module.
- Multiple Tile-sets in same map (MUST!!) - Multiple Instances of Galaxy Editor as a separate program.
probably already posted but to add on what i feel are the biggest things to help;
arithmetic functions from within the data editor values (instead of static dmg values able to reference equations and variables)
a way to track the mouse without having to click
a built in wasd/arrow key movement system similar to wow for the sake of all rpg games (so we know the BEST and FASTEST FOR NETWORK way blizz could make it for us)
ability to manipulate the UI more (such as use their built in minimap, and ability buttons thus would change the cursor splat etc....)
more tilesets allowed per map (i dont get why they wouldnt be able to allow all tilesets from within the map)
ability to use the built in physics more (everything from simple 2d movement/racing physics to pinball type physics), i know if this were implemented people would want to change things that may not be 'customizable' after blizz implemented and would get scruitinized for it but it would be nice none the less
BASICALLY free up the editor to be a more stand alone game engine designer such as microsofts XNA GSE, or torque etc.... just really unleash the power of their user friendly game editing with a little more 'universal' type implementation and not so forced to the RTS framework. they made a GREAT engine that could handle a lot more than theyve already given us, but hey, theyve given us A LOT with this editor. maybe when wc4 comes out itll have everything we wish for here, and more....
That is ridiculous. SC2 already collects mouse data for various things. Just take CameraForceMouseRelative as an example... this makes it so that the camera motion is inherently linked to mouse motion. The EXACT same thing could be done, except instead of moving the camera upon mouse motion, the game could fire some trigger and update some mouse position values. Blizzard is just being really lame by not including this...
So you know when you are duplicating very very long, boring, repetitive triggers over and over for each player. Like, for example, the WASD movement trigger.
YOu should be able to select all of those actions and choose an option called"convert". This will change all instances of X to Y. For exaple, you can say, replace all instances of "player 1" in this trigger with "player 2". And instantly your trigger is done. How awesome and helpful that would be.... Anybody agree?
No I don't think you understood my point, the problem isn't that mouse position can't be collected, it's that input latency means the odds of the mouse cursor being in the place the variables say it is are extremely unlikely, so the cached information would not be very useful.
@zeldarules28: Go
I've never made a WASD movement trigger, but I would assume that a loop would be a better solution. Unless of course you need to do something very different for each player (or whatever the instance is your changing). Generally anything repetitive can be done in some easier way (define a function, use a loop, etc.). But perhaps said movement triggers are different in this regard - that I don't know.
Movement is a pain in the butt. Mostly because it is set up by storing 4 variables PER player wich corespond to what buttons he is holding .So each movement trigger must be set up to use the variables corresponding to the player it is controlling.
Quote from RileyStarcraft:
Quote from XPilot: Go
@RileyStarcraft: Go
That is ridiculous. SC2 already collects mouse data for various things. Just take CameraForceMouseRelative as an example... this makes it so that the camera motion is inherently linked to mouse motion. The EXACT same thing could be done, except instead of moving the camera upon mouse motion, the game could fire some trigger and update some mouse position values. Blizzard is just being really lame by not including this...
No I don't think you understood my point, the problem isn't that mouse position can't be collected, it's that input latency means the odds of the mouse cursor being in the place the variables say it is are extremely unlikely, so the cached information would not be very useful.
I don't think it would matter if it lagged. People can adjust to latency quite well, plus a short delay wouldn't hurt anyone that much.
We want that feature!
- An help file.
- Library's to copy terrain from one map to another
- Purge option (like autocad purge)
- Option to safe ones hero in one map and open it in another. And link maps to each other. Walk into a trigger loads other map (B). And this with other people still on map (A) playing. This would solve the 20mb problem.
- Make trigger on map A have realtime effect on map B
- Really like the diablo idea to people able to join a ongoing game. - Show on battle.net what people with which level hero's are playing in the game you want to join.
They should add the ability to remove the standard resources and make different resources.
hashtables of course! because with the current data storage you can't save values to units
a lightning/beam system (currently i make my own but this can't be the best solution)
more cliff levels (only 3 arviable cliff heights is not enought i think :/)
and may make a way to allow units to inteact with physics (like a helion drives over a ramp and he will jump)
setting units X/Y/Z facting not just the basic facting around the z axis (so we can do things like this
I also have a thread about changes I'd like to the Mac version - some of these might apply to Windows too. http://forums.sc2mapster.com/mapping-utilities/editor-bugs-and-feedback/7855-galaxy-editor-for-mac-wishlist-buglist/ :-)
The ability to add custom attributes (ie, like biological/light).
Hashtables or a GetHandleID equivalent.
GetLocalPlayer equivalent. Just because it has the potential to cause desyncs and such doesn't mean you should just remove it entirely.
More than 8 terrain textures
More than 3 cliff levels
On the fly terrain texture modification. Potentially cliff modification would be cool too, but that's not really necessary.
Allow for detection right clicking dialog buttons. Would help for creating a custom UI inventory.
Ability to change the cursor via code.
Greatly increasing the limit of banks.
XML based UI design. See the sc2layouts for what I mean. It would be much better than working with dialogs.
Ability to define your own pathing types.
Fixing the 2^21 limit.
Drop the limit on timers down to like 0.01 seconds or something.
Maps that are bigger than 256*256.
Lobby settings should be more intuitive.
Maps should be broken up into specific genres, which the creator could select, and thus when creating a custom game you could search by genre and such.
Text Editor: Allow us to set all the settings that are stored in styles manually. This includes vertical/horizontal align, size, font, shadow, etc.
Let us put multiple actions onto one actor event. Bit annoying.
More space for publishing stuff.
Blizzard is asking for editor questions and feedback!
Get over there and post! I think they are going to base their first editor articles on the questions they get in that thread (you know, the stuff they talk about on this page). Please don't let those very simple (and sometimes stupid: "where to download it?") questions win.
- make editor faster in all respects. i have 3ghz core 2 duo and its only an editor, not the game... lots and lots of stuff is slow as f... in the editor. - make tooltips for every single thing. each tooltip will be read by many people, see it that way - make tooltips more meaningful. some tooltips are great, others just repeat the text that the tooltip should explain. - actor messages, events, actions, references, all those actor fields that return no result in google, it's just a mystery, even to the best mappers out there. lay out extensive documentation on the inner workings of actors. i swear if there was some sort of official book i could read in order to learn it i would. nothing in the data editor is as powerful as events can be, if you COULD understand them (i only understand the tutorial stuff or what is indeed selfexplanatory, and about 99% of people do not understand more either) - delete deprecated stuff from the data editor - append type of data type (e.g. "arm magazine" for ability or "buff" for effect) to every data type. when i look up the ability array of a unit, i cannot see at a glance what kind of ability they are. important for understanding how stuff works. - allow more than 1 term and 1 action for 1 actor event, like in trigger editor - allow copy and paste between events for different actors. - allow comparision of events for different actors, side by side. - generelly allow more flexibility for people to find out how stuff works - fix bugs
Just my personal opinion after using the Editor for a little over a week.
1) Stability. I can leave the Editor on over night, nothing happening, and come back to an error report window. How does it crash while I'm doing absolutely nothing?
2) Better Data Menus. These are absolutely getting to me. The data is in such obscure places 99% of the time. The Naming is completely off on some things, or it makes sense once you KNOW why it's named that, but meanwhile if you're trying to do things on your own you're screwed. Other things are embedded in other menus and takes you hours to find for simple things (Like Interceptor Build Time. I took me 4 hours to find it, and only then because I asked on the forums about it).
3) Better loading. Opening a personally made Ability with 2 changed parameters should not, in any way shape or form, take 30+ seconds to load. This is absolutely inexcusable.
4) Large Trigger issues. When you have a larger trigger, the menu becomes more and more non-responsive the larger the trigger. I had a quite large trigger, and when I started to change it for the better, one click would take a 5+ second response, and actually doing anything took even longer. I know for a fact this is not my computer, because I can be running 30 thousand things at once and get a better response on just about anything, but the second I have a large trigger it bugs out beyond my ability to imagine why.
5) Missing...things. There are a lot of missing features, and I have no idea why. Some things, like especially Neural Parasite seems to not exist in the Editor at all (Except for the Ability itself, but it has no requirements while in game it does, and other things like this), but in game it does. This is absolutely infuriating when you want to edit any type of thing with this issue.
6) Buttons need to be moved around. I don't think something like "New Document" should be in every single menu. Then when I want to do something simple, like create a trigger or a variable, I click the "NEW" button and it turns out it's a freaking New Map, and now I have to spend a minute+ waiting for it to load everything it wants to before I can actually get back to what I'm doing. The stuff like New, Load, and some other things (Save should stay) should not be in every single menu. If you really want to Open another file, or make a New one, it's not that hard to press the freaking File button. Add to this the fact that all the Shortcuts that actually DO matter are on the far right, and if you have a lower resolution or have the window small, are completely missing. There's not even an arrow to access them. This is a foolish design.
7) Some type of reference is required. I want to find something simple like changing the Cost of a Research, and I've forgotten which of the 30 thousand objects I've created for this single research holds the Cost value. Now I need to check every single one, and if it's embedded in one of the values, double that, or even triple it searching every single thing finding it. Add this to the insane loading times for some of these objects (Like Upgrades, Abilities, and other things that take a long time to load) and it takes me an hour to change the Cost of a SINGLE Upgrade. Even a small help file like "Objects that have X are..." and X is something you can define and get a quick reference to what you need to check.
It seems to me that Blizzard has replaced user-friendly interfaces with obscure (but versatile) ones. This is a bad exchange. I'd rather have the old school editor with it's insane limits than this one, as it's simply too overwhelming and too confusing. It's easy to get lost for hours looking for something simple because it's not organized as far as I can tell.