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My good question is that is it even possible to make a unit completely invisible to another player even if they are allied with vision?
Reason for this being is that i want player 1 to be able to see "unit A" but player 2 NOT to be able to see "unit A"
IF i make that unit invisible wouldn't it also be invisible to player 1 as well?
Do the 2 players have to be 'not' allied?
Not really sure if this is even possible.
Any thoughts?
Under the Unit actor there are filters and under the events there are terms that allow specific player slots to be targeted.
Contribute to the wiki (Wiki button at top of page) Considered easy altering of the unit textures?
Quote from DrSuperEvil >> Under the Unit actor there are filters and under the events there are terms that allow specific player slots to be targeted.
My good question is that is it even possible to make a unit completely invisible to another player even if they are allied with vision?
Reason for this being is that i want player 1 to be able to see "unit A" but player 2 NOT to be able to see "unit A"
IF i make that unit invisible wouldn't it also be invisible to player 1 as well?
Do the 2 players have to be 'not' allied?
Not really sure if this is even possible.
Any thoughts?
Under the Unit actor there are filters and under the events there are terms that allow specific player slots to be targeted.
Contribute to the wiki (Wiki button at top of page) Considered easy altering of the unit textures?