While working on a WC3 remake for SC2 i tried to recreate some known WC3 abilities to keep the game basically the same as it was back then in WC3.
Through creating these abilities, i learned several basics about actors, effects and behaviors.
The abilities i did back then were really easy ones, like stun´s (root, bolt, warstomp), aura´s (vampic, command, unholy) or passive things like critical strike or evasion.
Now, i still need tons of abilities to bring my map into some playable state someday - but also i'd like to create some assets of all the finished abilities, to make it easier for 'new' mappers to implement basic hero features.
Although i learned some things about data editing in the last few months i am not able to create 'high-level' effects and abilities like seen around here, like kueken´s work as an example.
So i'd like to ask for help on this little "project".
I made a list of the abilities i'd like to create - what i need is help on different aspects:
a.) How to create one of these abilities the best possible way. (Tutorials etc.)
b.) What visual effects could be used to represent them. (You know any models or effects that would fit?)
c.) Can these abilities be improved with some new functions? (Ideas?)
Some of them are kinda easy, others seem harder due to custom effects etc.
My goal is to learn from this and to provide an ability database to other users - but if there are some skilled Data-Editors out there that would like to contribute some of the items in that list, that would be cool ofcourse.
I will add the abilities i already have, users contribute or i finished to this thread and replace their names in the list with a link to a map/mod file.
Some last info´s:
People that doesn't like me, that idea, WC3, remakes or have any other issue with this thread - please just ignore this thread and keep your trolling elsewhere. Thanks.
Blizzard/Rain of Fire is easy, just have 2 layers Create Persistent effects in a row with the first using a random effect and the second ones using random offset flags. The second batch of persistents then use a vertical Launch Missile effect (look at raining cows tutorial) which on impact uses a Search Area effect that then does the damage or in the case of rain of fire uses a Set effect that uses the Damage effect and a Apply Behavior effect that applies a Buff behaviour that for a set duration periodically does additional damage or gives big negative life regen. Do not forget to give the buff a limited duration
Acid Bomb needs a Launch Missile effect that on impact has a Set effect with several Search Area effects of increasing radius using the Search - Exclude - Effect field to prevent the larger Search Area effects from overlapping with the smaller ones. The Search Area effects then use an Apply Behavior to apply various Buff behaviours onto the targets depending on how far the target was from the impact site (reason the different radius search areas were used). The buffs reduce the armor using the Unit - Modification - Life Armor Bonus field and then does damage over time using a periodic Damage effect which does less damage if it is a buff applied at a greater distance. Do not forget to give the buff a limited duration
The Chemical Rage is really simple just have an Effect - Instant ability that uses an Apply Behavior effect which applies a Buff behaviour. With the buff set the duration to whatever and alter the Combat - Modification - Attack Speed Multiplier and the Movement - Modification - Movement Speed Multiplier fields.
Healing Spray is a Create Persistent that uses a Launch Missile effect which on impact uses a Search Area effect that then uses a Modify Unit effect to heal the stuff. The launch missile impact sites of the action actor use a Site Operation (Random Point In Circle) SOp to make the missile impact sites look random.
Transmute is a Launch Missile effect that then uses a Set effect that uses a Damage effect with the Kill flag active and gets the refund by a Set effect that uses several Modify Player effects which have validators that the target unit must be the right type (Unit Type validators). The level limit can be applied by using a stackable hidden buff behaviour that a Unit Compare Behavior Count validator checks. Else use a negative Create Healer effect.
Fan of Knives is an Effect - Instant ability with a Create Persistent effect that uses Launch Missile to various offsets in a circle. The missiles use a balistic mover with the Motion Phases - Arrival Test Type set to never and on the missile units have a Buff behaviour that periodically uses a Search Area effect with a limited Search - Areas - Arc that applies a Set which deals damage to the target and applies either a damage effect with the kill flag based on Suicide or a Modify Unit effect with the nullify missile flag.
Shadow strike is a no brainer, use a Launch Missile that on impact does a Set effect which uses a Damage effect and an Apply Behavior which adds a Buff behaviour. The buff periodically applies a Damage effect and slows the unit with the Movement - Modification - Movement Speed Multiplier field.
For the Energy/Life Siphon use a channeled Create Persistent that periodically uses a Set effect. In the set a Damage effect or two Modify Unit effects. The damage effect just does x damage and has 100% life leech while with the Modify Unit effects one increases energy of the caster while the other decreases energy of the target. With the mana siphon you need to give the Create Persistent effect a Unit Compare Vital validator that requires the target to still have energy.
With impale have a Effect - Target ability that uses a Create Persistent effect that creates the offsets and has a small period between effects. Link this to a Search Area effect that then uses an Apply Behavior effect which applies a Buff behaviour. This buff uses the Unit - Modification - Height and Unit - Modification - Height Time fields to adjust the height of the unit and has a very short duration. As the Effect - Expire Effect have a Create Persistent effect to act as a delay before using a Set effect to apply the Damage effect and an Apply Behavior to add the stun buff. The stun buff has a limited duration and uses various Behavior - Modification - Modify Flags and Behavior - Modification - State Flags. Between the Lurker attack and the Sunken Colony Missile Impact model you have more than enough choice for visual effects.
Chain Heal is basicly like the mutalisk attack except you replace the damage effects with Modify Unit effects and adjust the filters to make it target allies instead of enemies.
The Hex is a little more complex and would require you create a model actor that is hosted on _Selectable. The ability just applies a buff that disables the attack ability and other abilities using the Ability - Modification - Ability Classes Disabled field except move and has a limited duration. In the events of the model actor you put in than when the behaviour is on it sets the opacity of the main unit (Host) to 0 and on actor creation uses the pass chance term to model swap to random critters from the default critter. When the behaviour is off the model is destroyed and the ::Host has it's opacity set back to 1. You will also need to add events to get the model to walk and animate correctly.
Mirror images is just like the Hallucination ability of the sentry except you have a set effect leading to all the possible units that can have mirror images and validators of the Unit Type variety for all the create unit effects. The reduced damage can be achieved using the Combat - Damage Dealt - Fraction field of the buff applied to the created units.
With stampede I recommend having a Create Persistent effect That then uses Create Unit effects at offsets relative to the caster at the start and finish points of where the stampede is to occur. The created units are invisible and the origin one uses a buff that uses a periodic Create Persistent with a random period flag that uses a Search Area combined with a Location Range validator and *Unit Type that then launches a Launch Missile effect to the target unit with a mover that has two phases. The first phase is guidance the second is balistic, the missile unit has a buff similar to the fan of knives missiles but the damage effect does splash damage on impact.
Wind Walk is another easy ability. Use an Effect - Instant ability that then applies an Apply Behavior effect which applies a buff. The buff uses the Behavior - Modification - State Flags field to apply the cloaking and has a damage response involving the Combat - Damage Resonse - Chance (set to 1), the Combat - Damage Resonse - Location (set to Attacker) and the Combat - Damage Resonse - Handled fields. With the Combat - Damage Resonse - Handled field put in a Set effect that uses a Remove Behavior effect to remove the previous buff and a Damage effect.
Blade storm is just an Apply Behavior effect that applies a Buff that disables the attack and uses a periodic Issue Order to move to a nearby target unit. The buff slows the movement speed of the unit and periodically applies a Damage effect with splash. (make sure your filters prevent friendly fire)
Immolation is even easier, just use a Behavior ability to make it able to be toggled using the right flag and apply a buff that uses a periodic Damage effect with splash (make sure your filters prevent friendly fire)
Silence is a Search Area effect that uses an Apply Behavior effect. The applied buff then can disable specific abilities or whole ability classes useing fields already mentioned.
Carrion swarm Use a Create Persistent effect that over several short periods uses several Search Area effects with a limited Search - Areas - Arc of increasing radius each with the effects of previous search areas in the Search - Exclude - Effect field. The Seach Area effects then use a Damage effect.
Sleep is basicly a Effect - Target effect that uses an Apply Behavior effect to appy a stun Buff behaviour to the target unit. Only difference next to the visuals to the stun of impale is that there is a validator in the Behavior - Validators (remove) field of the Unit Compare Damage Taken Time variety.
Fork Lightning is just a Effect - Target linked to a Seach Area effect with the Search - Areas - Maximum Count set to 3. The Search Area effect then uses a Damage effect. Visual wise it should be same as interceptor attack.
Earthquake uses an Create Persistent effect that periodically uses a Search Area effect which uses a Set effect. The set then uses a Damage effect that has the filters set only to structures and an Apply Bheavior effect that applies a buff. The buff has a duration just longer then the period of the Create Persistent effect and slows stuff using the Movement - Modification - Movement Speed Multiplier field.
Lightning Shield is an Apply Behavior effect that just uses a modified Immolation buff.
Flame Breath is the same as Carrion Swarm except instead of directly applying damage it uses a Set effect that applies the Damage effect and uses an Apply Behavior effect which has a Unit Compare Behavior Count validator that the target must have the drunken haze buff. The applied buff then does damage over time in a similar fashion to the rain of fire buff.
Holy Light is Launch Missile that on impact does a Set effect with a Damage effect and a Modify Unit effect. Both effects use a Unit Filter validator to make sure they only hit the right target.
Drunken Haze is a little more complex in that it uses an Apply Behavior effect that applies a Buff behaviour. The buff slows the movement speed using the Movement - Modification - Movement Speed Multiplier field and has a damage response using the Combat - Damage Resonse - Chance (set to your chance to miss), the Combat - Damage Resonse - Location (set to Attacker) and the Combat - Damage Resonse - Handled fields. The buff also emits a periodic aura that applies a hidden buff to all nearby units that has a damage response on the defender that nulifies damage to 0 (look at immortal buff for right fields) and in the Combat - Damage Resonse - Require Effect Array it has the dummy effect of the Combat - Damage Resonse - Handled field of the first buff.
Shockwave is a Create Persistent that uses peridic offsets that use a Search Area effect. The Search Area effect uses a Set effect with an Apply Behavior effect that applies a stackable counter buff behaviour to the caster and a Damage effect to the target. The damage effect has a validator of the Unit Compare Behavior Count variety that counts the number of counter buff stacks on the caster to make sure it is below the units damaged per shockwave cap. Visual wise just do like the colossus weapon and have a mover that follows the search areas with the model actor attached to it.
For summons with state equivalent to the attributes of the caster you probably need triggers because I can not think of an efficient way for doing that using just data
For standard summons just use an Effect - Instant ability that uses a Set effect Which uses a Create Persistent effect and a Search Area effect. The search area effect uses a Damage effect with the kill flag on all units of that type via a Unit Type validator with the Create Unit effect in the Validator - Unit - Effect field. The Create Persistent effect acts a small delay to stop the new summons being killed (0.1 secs) before using a Create Unit effect already mentioned
For Serpent Wards just have a Effect - Target ability that uses a Create Unit effect. For the magic immunity just set the attributes to some type that no spells can target even if you have to add a Unit Filter validator to every one of them.
Spirit of vengence is just like any other summon. Give it an autocast Effect - Target ability that needs to target dead stuff to create a unit using the Create Unit effect and removes the corpse via some method (Triggers or giving it a buff that sets the timescale to max) and has a requirement similar to the carrier/brood lord Arm Magazine ability to limit the number of summons at once. Give the main unit a buff with a death response that searches for all summons in the area via a Unit Type validator and gives them a Damage effect with the kill flag on.
For all the autocast add effect to attack abilities you need an autocast Behavior ability that applies a Buff with a damage response on attacker (read pervious stuff for exact fields). The effect handled on attack uses a set to remove the buff via a Remove Behavior effect and then uses a Launch Missile effec that on imact does whatever.
Frost arrow on imact uses a set to do the +damage and apply a buff to the target that slows stuff using the same fields as chemical rage.
Searing Arrows just does damage
Dark Arrow uses a set effect that does damage and applies a buff with a death response that on death uses a Create Unit effect with the Unit - Spawn Owner - Value field set to caster.
Simple have an Effect - Instant ability that uses a Set effect which creates 2 units using a Create Unit effect and uses an Issue Order effect to morph the main hero into the third. If the morph of the main hero still lives, then Buff behaviours on the spawns are disabled and the hero is ordered to mrph back at the end of the duration. If the main hero is dead then the other units use a buff to issue order the use of a Revive ability before destroying themselves. Multiple revives are prevented using a tier like system for the buffs. All the summoned units have a 0 level 100% exp share to player veterancy skill with filters allowing only the spawning unit to get the exp (through a unique combo).
As long as the exp share can target the dead and the main hero unit takes forever to decay it should gain the exp.
While working on a WC3 remake for SC2 i tried to recreate some known WC3 abilities to keep the game basically the same as it was back then in WC3.
Through creating these abilities, i learned several basics about actors, effects and behaviors.
The abilities i did back then were really easy ones, like stun´s (root, bolt, warstomp), aura´s (vampic, command, unholy) or passive things like critical strike or evasion.
Now, i still need tons of abilities to bring my map into some playable state someday - but also i'd like to create some assets of all the finished abilities, to make it easier for 'new' mappers to implement basic hero features.
Although i learned some things about data editing in the last few months i am not able to create 'high-level' effects and abilities like seen around here, like kueken´s work as an example.
So i'd like to ask for help on this little "project".
I made a list of the abilities i'd like to create - what i need is help on different aspects:
a.) How to create one of these abilities the best possible way. (Tutorials etc.)
b.) What visual effects could be used to represent them. (You know any models or effects that would fit?)
c.) Can these abilities be improved with some new functions? (Ideas?)
Active Abilities:
- Blizzard/Fire Rain
- Acid Bomb
- Chemical Rage
- Healing Spray
- Transmute
- Fan of Knifes
- Shadow Strike
- Energy/Life Siphon
- Impale
- Chain Heal
- Hex
- Mirror Images
- Stampede
- Windwalk (full cloak)
- Bladestorm
- Immolation
- Silence
- Locust Swarm
- Sleep
- Fork Lightning
- Chain Lightning
- Earthquake
- Electric Shield
- Flame Breath
- Holy Light
- Drunken Haze
- Shockwave
- Unit with stats based on Attributes
- Standard Summons (Water Elemental, Hawks, Pheonixes)
- Serpend Wards
- Vengeance Spirit
Autocast Abilities:
- Frost Bolt
- Searing Arrow
- Dark Arrow
Some of them are kinda easy, others seem harder due to custom effects etc.
My goal is to learn from this and to provide an ability database to other users - but if there are some skilled Data-Editors out there that would like to contribute some of the items in that list, that would be cool ofcourse.
I will add the abilities i already have, users contribute or i finished to this thread and replace their names in the list with a link to a map/mod file.
Some last info´s:
People that doesn't like me, that idea, WC3, remakes or have any other issue with this thread - please just ignore this thread and keep your trolling elsewhere. Thanks.
Blizzard/Rain of Fire is easy, just have 2 layers Create Persistent effects in a row with the first using a random effect and the second ones using random offset flags. The second batch of persistents then use a vertical Launch Missile effect (look at raining cows tutorial) which on impact uses a Search Area effect that then does the damage or in the case of rain of fire uses a Set effect that uses the Damage effect and a Apply Behavior effect that applies a Buff behaviour that for a set duration periodically does additional damage or gives big negative life regen. Do not forget to give the buff a limited duration
Acid Bomb needs a Launch Missile effect that on impact has a Set effect with several Search Area effects of increasing radius using the Search - Exclude - Effect field to prevent the larger Search Area effects from overlapping with the smaller ones. The Search Area effects then use an Apply Behavior to apply various Buff behaviours onto the targets depending on how far the target was from the impact site (reason the different radius search areas were used). The buffs reduce the armor using the Unit - Modification - Life Armor Bonus field and then does damage over time using a periodic Damage effect which does less damage if it is a buff applied at a greater distance. Do not forget to give the buff a limited duration
The Chemical Rage is really simple just have an Effect - Instant ability that uses an Apply Behavior effect which applies a Buff behaviour. With the buff set the duration to whatever and alter the Combat - Modification - Attack Speed Multiplier and the Movement - Modification - Movement Speed Multiplier fields.
Healing Spray is a Create Persistent that uses a Launch Missile effect which on impact uses a Search Area effect that then uses a Modify Unit effect to heal the stuff. The launch missile impact sites of the action actor use a Site Operation (Random Point In Circle) SOp to make the missile impact sites look random.
Transmute is a Launch Missile effect that then uses a Set effect that uses a Damage effect with the Kill flag active and gets the refund by a Set effect that uses several Modify Player effects which have validators that the target unit must be the right type (Unit Type validators). The level limit can be applied by using a stackable hidden buff behaviour that a Unit Compare Behavior Count validator checks. Else use a negative Create Healer effect.
Fan of Knives is an Effect - Instant ability with a Create Persistent effect that uses Launch Missile to various offsets in a circle. The missiles use a balistic mover with the Motion Phases - Arrival Test Type set to never and on the missile units have a Buff behaviour that periodically uses a Search Area effect with a limited Search - Areas - Arc that applies a Set which deals damage to the target and applies either a damage effect with the kill flag based on Suicide or a Modify Unit effect with the nullify missile flag.
Shadow strike is a no brainer, use a Launch Missile that on impact does a Set effect which uses a Damage effect and an Apply Behavior which adds a Buff behaviour. The buff periodically applies a Damage effect and slows the unit with the Movement - Modification - Movement Speed Multiplier field.
For the Energy/Life Siphon use a channeled Create Persistent that periodically uses a Set effect. In the set a Damage effect or two Modify Unit effects. The damage effect just does x damage and has 100% life leech while with the Modify Unit effects one increases energy of the caster while the other decreases energy of the target. With the mana siphon you need to give the Create Persistent effect a Unit Compare Vital validator that requires the target to still have energy.
With impale have a Effect - Target ability that uses a Create Persistent effect that creates the offsets and has a small period between effects. Link this to a Search Area effect that then uses an Apply Behavior effect which applies a Buff behaviour. This buff uses the Unit - Modification - Height and Unit - Modification - Height Time fields to adjust the height of the unit and has a very short duration. As the Effect - Expire Effect have a Create Persistent effect to act as a delay before using a Set effect to apply the Damage effect and an Apply Behavior to add the stun buff. The stun buff has a limited duration and uses various Behavior - Modification - Modify Flags and Behavior - Modification - State Flags. Between the Lurker attack and the Sunken Colony Missile Impact model you have more than enough choice for visual effects.
Chain Heal is basicly like the mutalisk attack except you replace the damage effects with Modify Unit effects and adjust the filters to make it target allies instead of enemies.
The Hex is a little more complex and would require you create a model actor that is hosted on _Selectable. The ability just applies a buff that disables the attack ability and other abilities using the Ability - Modification - Ability Classes Disabled field except move and has a limited duration. In the events of the model actor you put in than when the behaviour is on it sets the opacity of the main unit (Host) to 0 and on actor creation uses the pass chance term to model swap to random critters from the default critter. When the behaviour is off the model is destroyed and the ::Host has it's opacity set back to 1. You will also need to add events to get the model to walk and animate correctly.
Mirror images is just like the Hallucination ability of the sentry except you have a set effect leading to all the possible units that can have mirror images and validators of the Unit Type variety for all the create unit effects. The reduced damage can be achieved using the Combat - Damage Dealt - Fraction field of the buff applied to the created units.
With stampede I recommend having a Create Persistent effect That then uses Create Unit effects at offsets relative to the caster at the start and finish points of where the stampede is to occur. The created units are invisible and the origin one uses a buff that uses a periodic Create Persistent with a random period flag that uses a Search Area combined with a Location Range validator and *Unit Type that then launches a Launch Missile effect to the target unit with a mover that has two phases. The first phase is guidance the second is balistic, the missile unit has a buff similar to the fan of knives missiles but the damage effect does splash damage on impact.
Wind Walk is another easy ability. Use an Effect - Instant ability that then applies an Apply Behavior effect which applies a buff. The buff uses the Behavior - Modification - State Flags field to apply the cloaking and has a damage response involving the Combat - Damage Resonse - Chance (set to 1), the Combat - Damage Resonse - Location (set to Attacker) and the Combat - Damage Resonse - Handled fields. With the Combat - Damage Resonse - Handled field put in a Set effect that uses a Remove Behavior effect to remove the previous buff and a Damage effect.
Blade storm is just an Apply Behavior effect that applies a Buff that disables the attack and uses a periodic Issue Order to move to a nearby target unit. The buff slows the movement speed of the unit and periodically applies a Damage effect with splash. (make sure your filters prevent friendly fire)
Immolation is even easier, just use a Behavior ability to make it able to be toggled using the right flag and apply a buff that uses a periodic Damage effect with splash (make sure your filters prevent friendly fire)
Silence is a Search Area effect that uses an Apply Behavior effect. The applied buff then can disable specific abilities or whole ability classes useing fields already mentioned.
Carrion swarm Use a Create Persistent effect that over several short periods uses several Search Area effects with a limited Search - Areas - Arc of increasing radius each with the effects of previous search areas in the Search - Exclude - Effect field. The Seach Area effects then use a Damage effect.
Sleep is basicly a Effect - Target effect that uses an Apply Behavior effect to appy a stun Buff behaviour to the target unit. Only difference next to the visuals to the stun of impale is that there is a validator in the Behavior - Validators (remove) field of the Unit Compare Damage Taken Time variety.
Fork Lightning is just a Effect - Target linked to a Seach Area effect with the Search - Areas - Maximum Count set to 3. The Search Area effect then uses a Damage effect. Visual wise it should be same as interceptor attack.
For Chain Lightning read this: http://www.sc2mapster.com/forums/resources/tutorials/3939-data-working-with-beams-beginner-difficulty/#posts. In short it is basicly a modified mutalisk weapon.
Earthquake uses an Create Persistent effect that periodically uses a Search Area effect which uses a Set effect. The set then uses a Damage effect that has the filters set only to structures and an Apply Bheavior effect that applies a buff. The buff has a duration just longer then the period of the Create Persistent effect and slows stuff using the Movement - Modification - Movement Speed Multiplier field.
Lightning Shield is an Apply Behavior effect that just uses a modified Immolation buff.
Flame Breath is the same as Carrion Swarm except instead of directly applying damage it uses a Set effect that applies the Damage effect and uses an Apply Behavior effect which has a Unit Compare Behavior Count validator that the target must have the drunken haze buff. The applied buff then does damage over time in a similar fashion to the rain of fire buff.
Holy Light is Launch Missile that on impact does a Set effect with a Damage effect and a Modify Unit effect. Both effects use a Unit Filter validator to make sure they only hit the right target.
Drunken Haze is a little more complex in that it uses an Apply Behavior effect that applies a Buff behaviour. The buff slows the movement speed using the Movement - Modification - Movement Speed Multiplier field and has a damage response using the Combat - Damage Resonse - Chance (set to your chance to miss), the Combat - Damage Resonse - Location (set to Attacker) and the Combat - Damage Resonse - Handled fields. The buff also emits a periodic aura that applies a hidden buff to all nearby units that has a damage response on the defender that nulifies damage to 0 (look at immortal buff for right fields) and in the Combat - Damage Resonse - Require Effect Array it has the dummy effect of the Combat - Damage Resonse - Handled field of the first buff.
Shockwave is a Create Persistent that uses peridic offsets that use a Search Area effect. The Search Area effect uses a Set effect with an Apply Behavior effect that applies a stackable counter buff behaviour to the caster and a Damage effect to the target. The damage effect has a validator of the Unit Compare Behavior Count variety that counts the number of counter buff stacks on the caster to make sure it is below the units damaged per shockwave cap. Visual wise just do like the colossus weapon and have a mover that follows the search areas with the model actor attached to it.
For summons with state equivalent to the attributes of the caster you probably need triggers because I can not think of an efficient way for doing that using just data
For standard summons just use an Effect - Instant ability that uses a Set effect Which uses a Create Persistent effect and a Search Area effect. The search area effect uses a Damage effect with the kill flag on all units of that type via a Unit Type validator with the Create Unit effect in the Validator - Unit - Effect field. The Create Persistent effect acts a small delay to stop the new summons being killed (0.1 secs) before using a Create Unit effect already mentioned
For Serpent Wards just have a Effect - Target ability that uses a Create Unit effect. For the magic immunity just set the attributes to some type that no spells can target even if you have to add a Unit Filter validator to every one of them.
Spirit of vengence is just like any other summon. Give it an autocast Effect - Target ability that needs to target dead stuff to create a unit using the Create Unit effect and removes the corpse via some method (Triggers or giving it a buff that sets the timescale to max) and has a requirement similar to the carrier/brood lord Arm Magazine ability to limit the number of summons at once. Give the main unit a buff with a death response that searches for all summons in the area via a Unit Type validator and gives them a Damage effect with the kill flag on.
For all the autocast add effect to attack abilities you need an autocast Behavior ability that applies a Buff with a damage response on attacker (read pervious stuff for exact fields). The effect handled on attack uses a set to remove the buff via a Remove Behavior effect and then uses a Launch Missile effec that on imact does whatever.
Frost arrow on imact uses a set to do the +damage and apply a buff to the target that slows stuff using the same fields as chemical rage.
Searing Arrows just does damage
Dark Arrow uses a set effect that does damage and applies a buff with a death response that on death uses a Create Unit effect with the Unit - Spawn Owner - Value field set to caster.
Contribute to the wiki (Wiki button at top of page) Considered easy altering of the unit textures?
Any idea on how to make storm earth and fire?
Simple have an Effect - Instant ability that uses a Set effect which creates 2 units using a Create Unit effect and uses an Issue Order effect to morph the main hero into the third. If the morph of the main hero still lives, then Buff behaviours on the spawns are disabled and the hero is ordered to mrph back at the end of the duration. If the main hero is dead then the other units use a buff to issue order the use of a Revive ability before destroying themselves. Multiple revives are prevented using a tier like system for the buffs. All the summoned units have a 0 level 100% exp share to player veterancy skill with filters allowing only the spawning unit to get the exp (through a unique combo).
As long as the exp share can target the dead and the main hero unit takes forever to decay it should gain the exp.
Contribute to the wiki (Wiki button at top of page) Considered easy altering of the unit textures?
DrSuperEvil is a genie! Thank you for your time to answer to this thread. It has helped me and the other WC3 remake projects greatly :}
Check out some of the assets I made for the community project and the toss-a-tron project.
Contribute to the wiki (Wiki button at top of page) Considered easy altering of the unit textures?