I want to make a list of attacks a unit can choose from, and each of the weapons having independent ammo. For switching weapons, I thought of a behavior that disables all other weapons, but that shows all the weapons at once on the command card.. For ammo, I thought I could use energy, but that would require independent variables which could only be applied through triggers. Any idea how I could do this?
For behaviors, there's also a WeaponArray that adds a weapon as long as the behavior is active (instead of enabling/disabling existing weapons). I assume it wouldn't show up when the behavior isn't active.
Wondering if this is applicable to an RPG with lootable weapons? More specifically, I'd like to have the player to be able to loot weapons and equip them into multiple slots, that could be cycled so that only one is available at anytime. (think Gears of war) ... Or a primary/secondary weapon system.
I've seen multiple examples of people using Command Card Buttons to switch weapons (abilities). But I'd much rather have the user experience finding something and equipping it, along side another weapon, and then be able to switch between them on the fly.
Off the top of my head I would recommend having all weapon buffs disable each other so one can only be switched to on if the others are supressed. Else you could just have it that having the item equiped adds a counter buff that enables the weapon swapping for that weapon via a Specialize ability.
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Gah. I feel stupid.
I want to make a list of attacks a unit can choose from, and each of the weapons having independent ammo. For switching weapons, I thought of a behavior that disables all other weapons, but that shows all the weapons at once on the command card.. For ammo, I thought I could use energy, but that would require independent variables which could only be applied through triggers. Any idea how I could do this?
For behaviors, there's also a WeaponArray that adds a weapon as long as the behavior is active (instead of enabling/disabling existing weapons). I assume it wouldn't show up when the behavior isn't active.
Duly noted
This map, while for independent ammo just use a counter buff that is removed on use like the zerg spawn behaviour for mutant larvae
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@StragusMapster: Go
Wondering if this is applicable to an RPG with lootable weapons? More specifically, I'd like to have the player to be able to loot weapons and equip them into multiple slots, that could be cycled so that only one is available at anytime. (think Gears of war) ... Or a primary/secondary weapon system.
I've seen multiple examples of people using Command Card Buttons to switch weapons (abilities). But I'd much rather have the user experience finding something and equipping it, along side another weapon, and then be able to switch between them on the fly.
Thanks for your time!
Off the top of my head I would recommend having all weapon buffs disable each other so one can only be switched to on if the others are supressed. Else you could just have it that having the item equiped adds a counter buff that enables the weapon swapping for that weapon via a Specialize ability.
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