I was looking through the sc2 editor and I noticed that when you create a unit there is only 4 races, neutral, zerg, terran and Protoss. I was wondering if there was a way to add custom categories to be able to sort the race in the editor, and so the player displays a the new race.
PS I am not sure if it is hardcoded into the game to have only 4 races, or if a mod can add it to the game
PSS I would have added an image on the window but I can't figure out how.
I am not sure where this is in the right place.
I was looking through the sc2 editor and I noticed that when you create a unit there is only 4 races, neutral, zerg, terran and Protoss. I was wondering if there was a way to add custom categories to be able to sort the race in the editor, and so the player displays a the new race.
PS I am not sure if it is hardcoded into the game to have only 4 races, or if a mod can add it to the game PSS I would have added an image on the window but I can't figure out how.
Thanks in advance :)
Open a new tab in the data editor, go to edit advanced game data, then races.
Thanks for the help :)