Hey all—Team Antioch is looking to hire (as in pay real, actual dollars!) a modeler/animator. Four models total, which we're planning to be kitbashes from HotS. In addition to the base HotS animations, we would need to add a walk animation to each (as opposed to run), plus some animations for talking (moving their hands around or whatever) and need to support the Look At feature. If you're interested, drop me a PM and we'll talk price https://tutuapp.uno/ .
Hey all—Team Antioch is looking to hire (as in pay real, actual dollars!) a modeler/animator. Four models total, which we're planning to be kitbashes from HotS. In addition to the base HotS animations, we would need to add a walk animation to each (as opposed to run), plus some animations for talking (moving their hands around or whatever) and need to support the Look At feature. If you're interested, drop me a PM and we'll talk price https://tutuapp.uno/ .