In these years I have learned many things related to edit models, thanks to some users Sc2mapster, I have made progress, but I have a lot to learn still.
AV Reinforces is a new generation of models, with more quality.
Many people ask me the old models, but I have to tell everyone, they are well below current models.
Many of the models that were shown here, do not have to always have a direct download.
Those who can be downloaded I will make a link to my assets.
Thx to Taylor M , Println , Delphinium1987 , GhostNova91 , and a few other more !!
In these years I have learned many things related to edit models, thanks to some users Sc2mapster, I have made progress, but I have a lot to learn still. AV Reinforces is a new generation of models, with more quality. Many people ask me the old models, but I have to tell everyone, they are well below current models.
Many of the models that were shown here, do not have to always have a direct download.
Those who can be downloaded I will make a link to my assets.
Thx to Taylor M , Println , Delphinium1987 , GhostNova91 , and a few other more !!
Edhriano asked for, ghosts with camouflage, here I leave an image.
Desert Ghost
My collection of Hybrids
Hybrid - Dreadnoks
Hybrid - Pollinator
Hybrid Queen
Hybrid Queen would be a good Skin of Heroes of the Storm.
Can you send me the pollinator? Wanna test the animations :o
:O :O :O
That ghost model is awesome.
Also, I want that hybrid queen so bad for my campaign final Boss.
The Polinator and Hybrid queen are flying units?
My projects : The Hammer of Dawn, Noir : Automata, Noir : Evolution, Noir : Ascension, Hammer of Dawn Revamp
Many awesome projects : Custom Campaign Initiative
Something for the community : A Small Letter of Thanks, SC2mapster Classic Skin - Alevice
@CybrosX: Go
Hydralisk animation , but with the body stretched out downward
Pollinator, rather Levite , Hybrid Queen has Kerrigan animation.
Beautiful, Alley! The Hybrid Queen just begs to be a villain in a campaign.
@alleyviper85: Go
I wanna see it! :D
@alleyviper85: Go
@alleyviper85: Go
Like the models alot
Custom Campaign initiative StarCraft: Pandora , StarCraft: Replicant
My god man. You have improved your modeling skills 10 fold easily. You really create some awesome stuff these days.
Clean models as always. Super impressive.
<Click Here> To See My Epic Single Player Campaign (
This model has owners, I can not share.
Laser Drill P
More placements
Mineral Storage Depot Placement
Terrazine Refinery - Placement
Holo Hero Statues