AI Development

Development regarding the AI Editor can go here!
Topic Latest Post Replies Views
Ai need a rest place survival map :( >>
by Forge_User_89106667
0 1,472
Help my alliance moving arround !!! :( >>
by Forge_User_89106667
0 964
Making the melee/default AI harass >>
by _ForgeUser4372707
4 2,104
Replacing leaving player with an AI that can win? Is this possible? >>
by sc2ggamer
0 1,116
How to make AI like in starcraft 1 melee custom game? >>
by Wonder_Rem
0 1,356
Units from attack waves stop moving >>
by hultmanable
4 1,543
AIs Building Custom Units From Custom Races: What Trigger Should I Use? >>
by TheInfernoKraken
5 3,506
Computer Ai and void rift (SOLVED) >>
by hultmanable
3 2,043
Making custom Hero AI in MOBA >>
by baseshipcommanders
10 4,657
Artificially Intelligent Creep Crawlers. A new era of advanced technology for the Zerg. >>
by sc2ggamer
2 1,735
How to include campaign units onto attackwaves? >>
by KharnBetrayer
3 1,448
AI Rebuild Problem >>
by xxxNEARBYxxx
4 2,306
HoTS "The Reckoning" - How does raynor spawn waves from barracks? >>
by rabbit_______
1 1,271
AI Skips waves >>
by Forge_User_20587520
1 1,225
Attack Wave Fight problem >>
by Forge_User_73887449
0 1,144