Hey so im making a map at the moment for a friend that asked me to do so.I dont know much of the editor yet so i decided to open some blizzard campaign maps and copy the triggers that they use to make the ai send attack waves.I switched everything that i had to according to my map.The problem is that the ai doesnt buikd any units nor any units spawn.I did this first using the ai module and then triggers but none worked.I have made some units available for use on attack waves so the ai could just grab them and send them but nothing happens.I have started the ai and i setted them to computer on player properties and everything else is working, workers are mining, enemmy units try to kill mine when mine get to a spot where they are visible, even upgrades are working but the ai doesnt do anything at all.Can someone help me with this issue?
Try this make a trigger and call it map initialization. Than make an event map initialization. then under actions go: Player - Make player 1 and player (enemy) treat each other as Enemy.
2. Make sure that what enemy waves u send that the enemy has the required structures. If u want to send marauders make sure to add barracks with attached lab to it.
3. Make sure that the enemy has resources. Under actions go: modify players property.
Player - Modify player 2 Minerals: Set To 100000000
Gas,supply and so on.
Modify enemy difficulty : Player - Set player 2 difficulty level to ???
4. Make 2 points. 1 gather point where the enemy will gather once they are build. and 2. target point where they attack your base.
You can create a barrack and make it so that as long as the barrack is alive it will send units.
Sorry for not responding faster but I had a school project that took up alot of my time.
Aniway, I had done all of those before except adding the condition of while hive(since working with zerg ai) is alive and it was not working.
Im also working with 2 AI's since the enemmy will have 2 bases.Could this have implications on it? Ill try adding ur condition now and say how it worked.
I made the condition and its still not working.
Everything is running well and even when i make a psi storm the ai sends units out of it or when hydralisks are almost dead he sends them back, just like they do on campaign but the waves are still not working.
Ok I'll tell you what to do that should make it work.
First off, go to the topmost bar in Terrain Editor.
1. Create at least two Start Locations. Put each one on top of the main base of the player and enemies.
2. Find the option that says "Map" at the top of the screen.
3. In the dropdown, look for the option named "Player Properties"
4. Go to Player 1. Set a decal, race, and Start Location.
5. Do the same with the computer players, but we will need to do a little more.
5a. Under the dropdown for "Control" select Computer. Do the same with the "AI" dropdown.
Now, make a new trigger named Wave Initialization and put it under a folder named "AI"
Events: Map Initialization
Variables: None
Conditions: None
- Start AI Personalities for all players
- Set alliance of player 1 and player 2 as Enemy
- Run all attack waves for player 2 targeting Player Group 1 (add more of these actions for more enemy players)
Go into the AI Editor.
1. Create a new Personality by clicking on the Trigger-shaped button at the top of the window.
2. Name it whatever you would like and set the source player to Player 2. You don't need to set a target player because we already set an Enemy alliance with triggers.
3. Go into the Waves tab and click on Default Gather Point to edit it to whatever you want. Also, increase the counter for "Repeat Final Waves" from 0 to 1.
4. Make a new Wave. There's a couple of things you need to do before you continue.
4a. Go into the Timing tab. Change the Arrival time to whatever you wish. I usually set it to 90 seconds or 120 seconds depending on the map size.
4b. If you are making a "hold out" mission, go to the Points tab and set the target point as Start Location 1. Otherwise, leave it blank.
4c. Go to the Units tab and add the quantity and type of unit to be included in the wave.
5. Copy-paste that for as many waves as you want, remembering to increase the unit quantity as you progress.
Hey so im making a map at the moment for a friend that asked me to do so.I dont know much of the editor yet so i decided to open some blizzard campaign maps and copy the triggers that they use to make the ai send attack waves.I switched everything that i had to according to my map.The problem is that the ai doesnt buikd any units nor any units spawn.I did this first using the ai module and then triggers but none worked.I have made some units available for use on attack waves so the ai could just grab them and send them but nothing happens.I have started the ai and i setted them to computer on player properties and everything else is working, workers are mining, enemmy units try to kill mine when mine get to a spot where they are visible, even upgrades are working but the ai doesnt do anything at all.Can someone help me with this issue?
Try this make a trigger and call it map initialization. Than make an event map initialization. then under actions go: Player - Make player 1 and player (enemy) treat each other as Enemy.
2. Make sure that what enemy waves u send that the enemy has the required structures. If u want to send marauders make sure to add barracks with attached lab to it.
3. Make sure that the enemy has resources. Under actions go: modify players property. Player - Modify player 2 Minerals: Set To 100000000 Gas,supply and so on. Modify enemy difficulty : Player - Set player 2 difficulty level to ???
4. Make 2 points. 1 gather point where the enemy will gather once they are build. and 2. target point where they attack your base. You can create a barrack and make it so that as long as the barrack is alive it will send units.
@SamsaraNoMas: Go
So it should look like this: Enemy Wave
Game - Map initialization
Local Variables
General - While (Conditions) are true, do (Actions)
(Barracks] is alive) == True
AI - Set the target for player 2 attack waves to (Enemies of player 1)
AI - Set the attack wave gather point to Gathering Point ??? for player 2
AI - Add an attack wave waypoint at ??? for player 2 using Normal Mode
AI - Add (1/ 2 / 2) Marauder to the attack wave
AI - Add (1 / 2 / 2) Marine to the attack wave
AI - Send the attack wave from player 2 to attack in 160 seconds and Wait
Probably not the best way to send waves but so u dont get into variables and complications.
Here is a old but still awesome link concerning sending waves. http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/forum/topic/12032293225
Sorry for not responding faster but I had a school project that took up alot of my time. Aniway, I had done all of those before except adding the condition of while hive(since working with zerg ai) is alive and it was not working. Im also working with 2 AI's since the enemmy will have 2 bases.Could this have implications on it? Ill try adding ur condition now and say how it worked.
I made the condition and its still not working. Everything is running well and even when i make a psi storm the ai sends units out of it or when hydralisks are almost dead he sends them back, just like they do on campaign but the waves are still not working.
Ok I'll tell you what to do that should make it work.
First off, go to the topmost bar in Terrain Editor.
1. Create at least two Start Locations. Put each one on top of the main base of the player and enemies.
2. Find the option that says "Map" at the top of the screen.
3. In the dropdown, look for the option named "Player Properties"
4. Go to Player 1. Set a decal, race, and Start Location.
5. Do the same with the computer players, but we will need to do a little more.
5a. Under the dropdown for "Control" select Computer. Do the same with the "AI" dropdown.
Now, make a new trigger named Wave Initialization and put it under a folder named "AI"
Events: Map Initialization
Variables: None
Conditions: None
- Start AI Personalities for all players
- Set alliance of player 1 and player 2 as Enemy
- Run all attack waves for player 2 targeting Player Group 1 (add more of these actions for more enemy players)
Go into the AI Editor.
1. Create a new Personality by clicking on the Trigger-shaped button at the top of the window.
2. Name it whatever you would like and set the source player to Player 2. You don't need to set a target player because we already set an Enemy alliance with triggers.
3. Go into the Waves tab and click on Default Gather Point to edit it to whatever you want. Also, increase the counter for "Repeat Final Waves" from 0 to 1.
4. Make a new Wave. There's a couple of things you need to do before you continue.
4a. Go into the Timing tab. Change the Arrival time to whatever you wish. I usually set it to 90 seconds or 120 seconds depending on the map size.
4b. If you are making a "hold out" mission, go to the Points tab and set the target point as Start Location 1. Otherwise, leave it blank.
4c. Go to the Units tab and add the quantity and type of unit to be included in the wave.
5. Copy-paste that for as many waves as you want, remembering to increase the unit quantity as you progress.
You're done!
KSNumedia's Assets: Custom Models for campaigns and mods!
Thank you for your help guys, the waves are now working properly.
@xHydraJTCx: Go