I don't care who steals this. I will still make the best. My license is your-mom compatible. I, NATHAN JOHN LASEE, wrote this map using Blizzard Proprietary Assets. If Blizzard want to hire me to make stuff for them so be it, else f^$& all of you vultures who can't do an honest man's work. If the law has beef with the nature of this post, so be it. But I would rather be hung by a jury of my peers than by some waste of carbon than fancies it's a corporate god, which buys it's worthiness. If you like the way phantoms phase out use it, if you like the reduced zerg base footprint via morphs use it! Just know that I will make a better map than you, and if I can't then, damn, I tip my hat to you sir. That's it. F%#& useless bureaucrats that can't do real work. OOOOOHHHH!!!! and any C$%@-bagging, D#^%#@-bagging, Piece of S#!7 that thinks this is a concession of whole rights and wants to market it as their own, F$%@ YOU! YOU ARE A WORTHLESS PIECE OF S#!7 AS WEAK AS THE DAY YOUR WORM OF A FATHER SIRED YOU! IF YOU WANT TO TAKE THIS MEDIA, YOU CAN HAVE IT PROVIDED YOU ACKNOWLEDGE ME BY MY REAL NAME (SEE ABOVE) IN ALL DERIVATIVE WORKS! (ala BASED ON THE WORKS OF... ME!) TO ALL YOU CLONING F@&$, LOOK AT HOW THE UNITS, ABILITIES, ETC. ARE SET UP! THAT IS THE CORE OF LEARNING, EMULATION UNTIL SUCCESSION! BEAT ME DAMN IT! I DARE YOU! ONLY THEN WILL WE MAKE PROGRESS AS A SPECIES! Suck me, then maybe you'll know life. Else... I will expunge you from this world, just wait and see. ~Alter