SC1 Episode 2 - Overmind

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Starcraft: Episode II - Overmind

the complete Zerg campaign

Episode list
Episode I - Rebel Yellby Ultraling & Jones
Episode II - Overmindby Jones
Episode III - The Fallby christdaugherty
Episode IV - The Standby Telenil & Jimm3110
Episode V - The Iron Fistby Jones
Episode VI - Queen of Bladesby Telenil, Jones & Jimm3110

also check out the project thread at TeamLiquid

The second installment of the classic Starcraft campaigns. Uses the same mod file as the previous episode, and again, credit for the mod goes to MavercK. Also thanks to Ultraling for his initial work on the Terran episode, and GnaReffotsirk and others for the amazing unit models.


  • all 10 original missions
  • original SC1 units and structures with original stats, including custom models
  • original SC1 Zerg soundtrack
  • all the dialogue, voice acting & other miscellaneous text from the original campaign

"Artistic License"

(some notable differences from the original campaign)

  • Lurkers! Because who doesn't love Lurkers?
  • Mission 5 "The Amerigo" - yep, like it or absolutely hate it, the third person "shooter" action is back
  • two difficulty levels - with a somewhat more aggressive AI than in the original, in order to provide some challenge to the average player


Links to the latest versions, by language. You will need both the maps and the mod file to play (see "How to play" below). For older versions, check the "Files" section.

English version

French version

German version

Episode 3 - German

Russian version

Italian version

Korean version

How to play

  • extract the mod file (SC1BWmod) to your "Mods" folder in your Starcraft 2 install directory (NOT the folder under "My Documents")
  • extract the map pack to the "Maps" folder in your Starcraft 2 install directory (create the folder if it doesn't exist)
  • extract the Campaign Launcher & setup to the same "Maps" folder (not the campaign folder)

Campaign Launcher installation:

  • launch the Starcraft 2 editor
  • open the setup map named SCMRsetup in your Maps folder and click the "test document" button on the top right (or press ctrl+F9)
  • wait until the launcher loads and you're at the title screen, then save the game and exit the map (press esc or F10 to open the game menu)
  • find the save file (named "Starcraft - Mass Recall" by default) in (your home/documents folder)/Starcraft II/Saves/VersusAI
  • copy or move the save file to the saves folder under your account folder (your home/documents folder)/Starcraft II/Accounts/.../.../Saves/Multiplayer (for example; any of the save folders will do)
  • Done! You can now log into the appropriate account and load the save from the load game-screen. You can use this save to play each episode.

more info:

  • You can copy the save file to whatever accounts you want. For example, if you want to play offline, copy it to your guest account folder.
  • If you're unsure of the right folders or can't find the Starcraft II documents folder, log into an account of your choice in SC2, go to the load game-screen, click on a save and click the "show in folder"-button. It will take you to the appropriate saves folder.

Troubleshooting & known issues


  • Original campaign by Blizzard
  • Remake by Jones
  • The original mod "Starcraft 2 Brood War" by MavercK
  • with additional tweaks by christdaugherty, Superfield, Jones, Telenil, Jimm

custom models/textures

  • GnaReffotsirk (Carrier, Shuttle, Queen, Guardian)
  • Snowflake Entertainment/Project Revolution (Reaver, Corsair, Defiler, Valkyrie), reworked by GnaReffotsirk (with help from NiNToxicated, DeveRR0, Phygis)
  • GhostNova91 (Devourer, Raszagal / Female High Templar, Duran portrait, Protoss / Xel'Naga Temple, UED flag)
  • buhhy (Dragoon)
  • SoulFilcher (Ion Cannon, Duran hero icon)
  • Thrikodias (Observatory, Psi Emitter, Xel'Naga Stasis Cell)
  • Alpha & Omega Squadron decals by TooMuchTuch

  • Third Person Shooter engine by martinolsson
  • easy difficulty & other miscellaneous tweaks by Telenil
  • French translation by Choum28
  • Russian translation by Jimm3110, Virussoft (original translation & dubbing: Fargus Multimedia, 7Wolf)
  • Italian translation/modification by Zarxiel93, TheTorrasque, JustSkorpyon
  • German translation by FirefoxGhost
  • Korean translation by storycraft
  • as always, thanks to Hati for his SC2 Localizer


  • Starcraft soundtrack by Derek Duke, Glenn Stafford, Tracy W. Bush
  • "Trainstation PT.2", "Guard Down" by Kelly Bailey (The Orange Box Original Soundtrack)
  • "The Maw", "Under Cover of Night" by Martin O'Donnell & Michael Salvatori (Halo Original Soundtrack)
  • "Chapel of Evil" by Russell Shaw (Fable: The Lost Chapters Original Soundtrack)

  • special thanks to Telenil, christdaugherty, Superfield and Jimm3110 for their enthusiasm and work on the project.

PLEASE NOTE that this is a completely unofficial, non-profit, fan-made remake and in no way affiliated with Activision Blizzard.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Mar 26, 2011
  • Last Released File
    Apr 28, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License


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