Nakama Voting System

Nakama Voting System (V_1.00.001)

Change Log:


  • Fixed voteCalculator bug returning incorrect wins
  • Fixed voteTally recording incorrect players voting

1.00.000 +Initial Release


  • Designed to be called while setting a variable
  • Can have a max of 10 vote options to choose from
  • 16 player support
  • Delay votes (If a vote is in progress the delay starts once it has ended)
  • Default option for non voters (Specify a default option for people who didn't vote)
  • Vote time limits (with a countdown timer)
  • Only supports button votes (think of difficulty setting votes)

This might be a little overwhelming at first but it's actually pretty simple to use.

  • generalDelay, (How long you want to wait for the vote to start after you have sent the command through)
  • generalDefaultOption,(-1 will disable this | Vote option to increase by 1 for people who didn't vote)
  • timerTitle, (Title of the timer)
  • timerSeconds, (Amount of seconds for the timer to countdown from)
  • dialogTitle, (What you want to call the Vote)
  • dialogWidth, dialogHeight, (Width and Height of the vote)
  • dialogOffset_X, dialogOffset_Y, (Where you want the vote to shop up from 0,0 = top of screen)
  • dialogButton_Amount, (Total number of options for the vote [Going to be increasing this in the next version to be limitless])
  • dialogButton01_Width, dialogButton01_Height, (Button Width and Height)
  • dialogButton01_OffsetX, dialogButton01_OffsetY, (X and Y cordinates of the button from the top-left of the vote background [NOT top of screen])
  • dialogButton01_Tooltip, (Text/Information you want displayed when someone hovers over a button)
  • dialogButton01_Text, (Text that shows up on the button itself)
    • The rest of the buttons work the same way (max of 10)

Default Grammer Text

lib_voteCreate(, generalDelay, generalDefaultOption, timerTitle, timerSeconds, dialogTitle, dialogWidth, dialogHeight, dialogOffset_X, dialogOffset_Y, dialogButton_Amount, dialogButton01_Width, dialogButton01_Height, dialogButton01_OffsetX, dialogButton01_OffsetY, dialogButton01_Tooltip, dialogButton01_Text, dialogButton02_Width, dialogButton02_Height, dialogButton02_OffsetX, dialogButton02_OffsetY, dialogButton02_Tooltip, dialogButton02_Text, dialogButton03_Width, dialogButton03_Height, dialogButton03_OffsetX, dialogButton03_OffsetY, dialogButton03_Tooltip, dialogButton03_Text, dialogButton04_Width, dialogButton04_Height, dialogButton04_OffsetX, dialogButton04_OffsetY, dialogButton04_Tooltip, dialogButton04_Text, dialogButton05_Width, dialogButton05_Height, dialogButton05_OffsetX, dialogButton05_OffsetY, dialogButton05_Tooltip, dialogButton05_Text, dialogButton06_Width, dialogButton06_Height, dialogButton06_OffsetX, dialogButton06_OffsetY, dialogButton06_Tooltip, dialogButton06_Text, dialogButton07_Width, dialogButton07_Height, dialogButton07_OffsetX, dialogButton07_OffsetY, dialogButton07_Tooltip, dialogButton07_Text, dialogButton08_Width, dialogButton08_Height, dialogButton08_OffsetX, dialogButton08_OffsetY, dialogButton08_Tooltip, dialogButton08_Text, dialogButton09_Width, dialogButton09_Height, dialogButton09_OffsetX, dialogButton09_OffsetY, dialogButton09_Tooltip, dialogButton09_Text, dialogButton10_Width, dialogButton10_Height, dialogButton10_OffsetX, dialogButton10_OffsetY, dialogButton10_Tooltip, dialogButton10_Text)

Couple Examples

gv_test[0] = libnakV_gf_lib_voteCreate(1.0, 2, "Difficulty Vote", 1, "Vote for map Difficulty", 600, 1200, 0, 50, 10, 400, 75, 100, 100, "Easiest difficulty in the game.", "Nubish", 400, 75, 100, 175, "Second easiest difficulty.", "Easy", 400, 75, 100, 250, "Standard difficulty. /n Include what each difficulty does.", "Normal", 400, 75, 100, 325, "Second hardest difficulty on the map!!", "Hard", 400, 75, 100, 400, "lolololol", "Masochistic", 400, 75, 100, 400, "lolololol", "Masochistic", 400, 75, 100, 400, "lolololol", "Masochistic", 400, 75, 100, 400, "lolololol", "Masochistic", 400, 75, 100, 400, "lolololol", "Masochistic", 400, 75, 100, 400, "lolololol", "Masochistic");

gv_test[1] = libnakV_gf_lib_voteCreate(0.0, 3, "Difficulty Vote", 1, "Vote for map Difficulty", 600, 600, 0, 50, 1, 400, 75, 100, 100, "Easiest difficulty in the game.", "Nubish1", 400, 75, 100, 175, "Second easiest difficulty.", "Easy", 400, 75, 100, 250, "Standard difficulty. /n Include what each difficulty does.", "Normal", 400, 75, 100, 325, "Second hardest difficulty on the map!!", "Hard", 400, 75, 100, 400, "lolololol", "Masochistic", 0, 0, 0, 0, "", "Test", 0, 0, 0, 0, "", "Test", 0, 0, 0, 0, "", "Test", 0, 0, 0, 0, "", "Test", 0, 0, 0, 0, "", "Test");

gv_test[2] = libnakV_gf_lib_voteCreate(0.0, 4, "Difficulty Vote", 1, "Vote for map Difficulty", 600, 600, 0, 50, 3, 400, 75, 100, 100, "Easiest difficulty in the game.", "Nubish2", 400, 75, 100, 175, "Second easiest difficulty.", "Easy", 400, 75, 100, 250, "Standard difficulty. /n Include what each difficulty does.", "Normal", 400, 75, 100, 325, "Second hardest difficulty on the map!!", "Hard", 400, 75, 100, 400, "lolololol", "Masochistic", 0, 0, 0, 0, "", "Test", 0, 0, 0, 0, "", "Test", 0, 0, 0, 0, "", "Test", 0, 0, 0, 0, "", "Test", 0, 0, 0, 0, "", "Test");


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