Backwater Bar
Throughout the sector, on any world, in any town you can always find a bar, and in that bar its almost guaranteed that there will be a fair share of mercs looking for work. Some of the roughest, toughest, and craziest mercenaries find their work through these outlets. So if you're looking for mercs, or looking for work, the Backwater Bar is the place to be.
The War Pigs
Expendable doesn't begin to describe the War Pigs, originally developed as an alternative to Neural Resocialized Marines, the War Pigs are some of the toughest marines available. The Dominion isn't afraid to send them into the worst battlefield conditions, and they're willing to jump right in for the right price.
?x War Pigs (Special Marines, better health, damage, and grenade launcher ability)
The Devil Dogs
Ex-Confederate Firebats, the Devil Dogs are the epitome of mercenary, they don't give a damn who pays them, or what they're fighting for, they just want the cash. Their potent flamethrowers will melt even the toughest enemies and fry Zerglings to a nice golden brown.
?x Devil Dogs (More powerful Firebats)
Hel's Angels
After jacking a couple Vikings from a Dominion outpost, the Hel's Angels began raiding shipping lanes in their new toys. Feared throughout the sector by traders and freighters alike, the Hel's Angels are a force to be reckoned with. In recent years with freighters taking on heavier escorts, the Angels have had to resort to selling themselves as mercenaries, as long as they're blowing something up and getting paid, they're happy.
?x Hel's Angels (More powerful Vikings)
Sons of Thanatos
The Dominion Reaper program was meant to utilize the criminally insane for battlefield reasons, what they didn't anticipate was what would happen if said psychotics got free. The Sons fight for the sake of fighting, albeit the pay doesn't hurt. These nutjobs now see themselves as the personification of death itself and, because of this, the Sons of Thanatos are wanted all over the sector. Luckily for them however, most law enforcement are too afraid to attempt to bring them in.
1x Thanatos (Very powerful Reaper)
4x Sons of Thanatos (Slightly more powerful Reapers)


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